Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall


Members Present

Mrs Julia Borland (Chairman)

Mrs Caroline Broom

Mr Frank Freeman

Mr D Yeomans

Mr R Franklin

Mrs Sue Osborne (South Somerset District Councillor)

Also present

3 Members of the Public

Miss Jackie Parsons (Parish Clerk)



1.         Apologies for Absence

Apologies received from Mr Mike Best (Somerset County Councillor) and Mr Henryk Ploszek.


2.         Public Open Forum – Each member of the public present is entitled to speak once only, in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 5 minutes.

            A member of the public stated that there appeared to be an increase in the shooting at Coombe Farm.  The Parish Council stated that they can shoot on 12 separate occasions during the year without applying for a license.  There appeared to be a competition on at Coombe Farm the previous weekend. 


3.         Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda (Pecuniary or non-statutory interests).

            Mrs C Broom and Mr D Yeomans both declared an interest in the planning application at 6 (d)

4.         To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 9th July  2019

            The minutes approved by the meeting and proposed for approval by Mr F Freeman and seconded by Mrs C Broom.

5.         Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the Agenda.

            Points raised;

            Hedge on the left hand side of Clapton Bridge – Chairman stated that farmers can now start cutting hedges from the 1st September so hedge should be cut back in the near future.

            Hedge on the bend going up towards Hewish cross-roads Somerset Highways had been contacted regarding this matter.

6           Planning Matters.

             West Crewkerne Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning Applications

and as such does not make the final decision on any application.  Any decisions        and comments made by the Parish Council will be fed into the planning process and added to the report by the Planning Officer.  South Somerset District Council is the Planning Authority and will issue the final decision notice (Planning Determination) once their investigations into the application, consultation period and decision making process has been completed.

A); 19/01414/FUL 17th May 2019 Coombe Farm Roundham Crewkerne Somerset TA18 8RR.  Proposed extension to an existing storage building.

Application permitted with conditions on the 22nd July 2019.

B); 19/01482/PAMB 23rd May 2019 Farm Buildings Lyminster Woolminstone Crewkerne Somerset.  Notification  for prior approval for the change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house.

Application withdrawn on the 16th July 2019.

C); 19/01729/FUL.  21st June 2019 Yeo Valley Farms Ltd  Coombe Farm Roundham Crewkerne Somerset TA18 8RR.  Re-development of Room CK24 by raising the roof and the installation of roller shutter door to existing property.

Application permitted with conditions on 22nd August 2019.

D); 19/02348/DPO 31ST July 2019 Flaxhayes Woolminstone West Crewkerne Crewkerne Somerset TA18 8QP.  Application to remove and discharge the agricultural tithe in relation to the planning application 91944 and the S106 agreement dated 28th May 1992 between SSDC and Kenneth Geoffrey Wetherall and Maureen Ruth Dare.

The Chairman stated that on this application there was no indication as to why the agricultural tithe needed to be discharged.   Also are the applicants asking for the agricultural tithe to be removed from all of the land, if so, and the land becomes possible building land then this will have an impact on the properties around this area.  The Chairman will follow up with Planning Department at South Somerset District Council.  The ultimate decision of whether the Agricultural Tithe can be removed will rest with the legal department of South Somerset District Council.

Cathole Bridge RoadIf the planning permission is given for the building of 150 houses, the possible effect on Cathole Bridge Road?

2 Parish Councillors attended the Area West meeting at South Somerset District Council on which the above matter was discussed.  The points that came out of the meeting were as follows;

A).  Would create too much traffic on Cathole Bridge Road.

B).  Survey of traffic using road was done one day in September 2018 and arguments of the developers did not stand up.

C).  There is already a planning application of some years ago by a different developer on a CLR site in Station Road Crewkerne for 600 houses on which no building has yet been started.

As the application is for over 80 houses the application and considerations and recommendations of Area West in South Somerset District Council go to a different department within the Council for them to consider.  That meeting takes place on the 16th September 2019.







7.         Highway Matters

            Roundham Small Improvement Scheme.

The Chairman stated that it was a great shame that the Somerset County Councillor was not present at the meeting tonight as this is a Small Improvement Scheme that had been proposed by the Somerset County Councillor.  The sequence of events with this scheme is as follows;

Sketch Plans received from Somerset County Council.

Letter inviting residents of Roundham to view plans at village hall on the 26th February 2019.  Favourable response to plans.

Extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on the 26th February 2019 to propose the acceptance of the plans and agreed by all the Parish Councillors with a proposal to review the scheme 6 months after its implementation.

E-Mail received in September 2019 stating plans going out to tender with a start date in November 2019.

Mr B Carter (Parish Councillor) stated that he still has reservations about the success of the scheme.  Mr B Carter then left the meeting as he had to leave early next morning for a race meeting.

Gigaclear work within the Parish of West Crewkerne.

There appears to be little communication between the various contractors working for Gigalclear as one group of contractors are starting a job and then another group of contractors come along and start work in a completely different area.  Road signs are being erected late or not being taken away when the work is finished.  Clerk to write a letter of complaint to Gigaclear.

Finger Post at Cathole Bridge Road Crossroads.

No further update on the finger post at the time of the meeting.

Update on the Telephone Box in Hewish

The clerk sent an e-mail to the Hewish resident who wished to purchase the telephone box on behalf of the community, however she has now stated that she does not wish to pursue the matter any further.



8.         Reports from Councillors, including District and County Councillors.

            None of the Parish Councillors had any reports to make.

            Mrs S Osborne (South Somerset District Council) had the following points to report;

The housing development at Kithill/Cathole Bridge Road was turned down by Area West committee and will now go to the Regulation Committee in South Somerset District Council to either uphold the decision or overturn the decision.

The District Council is working on its Eco-Enviroment strategy and should go before full Council in October 2019.

There is monies coming to the County from the 1 year spending review, very little will come to the District, most of the money is going to the County Council to areas that have suffered substantial cuts.

The South Somerset District Council commercial strategy is up and running now.

After the summer holiday period more items should start being debated and coming through to Parish level if necessary.



9.         Finance

                   A): To pay the Clerk’s Salary of £129.20 plus £74.99 for computer inks =£204.19

Cheque No.319   

       B): To pay HMRC  £32.30 Cheque No.318

       C); To pay SALC £75.00 Cheque No. 317

Grant for purchase of Laptop.

The Clerk responded to a query raised by a Parish Councillor at the last Parish Council meeting and had confirmed with SALC that no grant exists for the purchase of a Parish Laptop.


10.       Correspondence;

Various e-mails including recycling monthly updates from SWP.

Road Closures from Gigaclear and other utilities providers

Avon and Somerset Police.

As a Parish are we proposing to undertake any kind of celebration to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the second world war?  Do any of the Councillors have any suggestions for the anniversary.  The Parish Council felt that there was really no focal point to celebrate the anniversary and that the Parish would be better joining forces with Crewkerne Town Council to celebrate the Anniversary.


11.       To confirm that the next meeting of the West Crewkerne Parish Council will be

             held on Tuesday 12th November  2019 at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall at 7.00pm.



Meeting closed at 20.05








